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Jim Gallagher Presents “What Nonprofits Need To Know: Corporate and IRS Compliance Fundamentals

Association of Fundraising Professionals, DE Brandywine Chapter

Jim Gallagher covers key matters of governance related to 501c3’s maintaining their tax-exempt status including what D&O insurance covers and doesn’t; how to petition the courts when a bequest can't be used as described in a will; what types of lawsuits are common for nonprofits and how to manage those risks and bylaw basics.

When:  Feb 20, 2019 from 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM (ET)

Associated with  AFP DE, Brandywine Chapter

8:30 Net & Nosh
9:00 - 10:45 Program

Community Service Building, Room 105
100 W. 10th Street
Wilmington, DE 19801


firm news, media mention, tax advice for business owners, personal tax advice & planning