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ANDA Litigation Book Reviewed by DrugPatentWatch

The second edition of ANDA Litigation: Strategies and Tactics for Pharmaceutical Patent Litigators was reviewed favorably by DrugPatentWatch, a business who serves leading companies ranging from biopharmaceutical R&D to healthcare delivery by providing actionable business intelligence on small-molecule drugs. 

Morris James partner Ken Dorsney is the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Author of the ABA's ANDA Litigation: Strategies and Tactic for Pharmaceutical Patent Litigators, first and second editions, AIPLA and Bloomberg Law's Evidence in Patent Cases, and the ABA's Pre-ANDA Litigation: Strategies and Tactics for Developing a Drug Product and Patent Portfolio, first and second editions.

According to DrugPatentWatch, ANDA Litigation is a vital resource for parties involved in protecting branded drugs or in generic drug launch. The price, which is relatively low for a book of this size and scope, should be recouped quickly by avoiding costly strategic and tactical missteps, and in savings on legal expenses.

View the full book review here.


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