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Lewis Lazarus Co-Moderates DSBA’s Corporation Law Council’s Annual CLE on “Hot Topics in Delaware Corporate Law”

Lewis H. Lazarus will co-moderate a panel of a member of the Delaware Supreme Court and outstanding litigators and transactional attorneys as they discuss recent statutory and case law developments in Delaware’s corporate law. Among the topics to be addressed will be MFW and Corwin, appraisal, broken deal litigation, how to use new series provisions in LLC and LPs, developments relating to e-signatures and an update on fiduciary duty issues

The program, titled “Hot Topics in Delaware Corporate Law: Updates That Transactional Lawyers and Litigators Need to Know, a View From the Bench and Bar,” is scheduled from 1 to 5:15 p.m. May 23.

Lewis H. Lazarus, Chair of the Corporate and Commercial Litigation Group at Morris James LLP, focuses his practice on corporate governance and commercial matters in the Delaware Court of Chancery.


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