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Jeff Waxman Moderates a Panel on Retention Issues at the ABI SE Conference Retention Issues

Jeffrey R. Waxman, a partner in Morris James’ Bankruptcy and Creditor Rights’ group, moderated a panel addressing retention issues at the American Bankruptcy Institute’s Southeast Conference.  The topics of the panel included retention requirements under Sections 327, 329, 363, and 1103 of the Bankruptcy Code, The Jay Alix Protocol, and retention issues since the Supreme Court’s decision in Baker Botts LLP v. ASARCO LLC.  The panel members included Hon. Sage M. Sigler (U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Georgia), Nan Roberts Eitel of the Executive Office for United States Trustees, Jay C. Jacquin of Configure Partners, LLC (Atlanta, GA), and Roy S. Kobert of GrayRobinson, P.A. (Orlando, FL).


bankruptcy and restructuring, litigation & liquidating trustees, small businesses & start-ups, bankruptcy committees practice