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Delaware State Bar Association Specially Recognizes Lewis Lazarus for Service Chairing the DSBA Awards Committee

Congratulations to Lewis H. Lazarus whom the Delaware State Bar Association recognized on December 10th for his long service as Chair of the DSBA Awards Committee. The Awards Committee deliberates upon nominations of lawyers and others to receive awards created by the Association, such as those for distinguished lifetime service, community service, mentoring, women’s leadership, and pro bono service. Lewis ensured fairness and transparency in the awards process and is most proud of working with the DSBA’s Executive Committee to expand the Profile in Courage Award to include “when a lawyer or a judge applies the law even when the decision he or she determines that the law requires may not be popular, as in the de-segregation decisions of Chancellor Collins J. Seitz and District Court Judge Murray M. Schwartz”. The Bar Association makes these awards to highlight conduct and service that exemplify the finest traditions of the Delaware Bench and Bar. The Association presents these awards during its annual Law Day celebration in May, its Bench and Bar meeting in June,  its Christopher W. White Access to Justice breakfast in October, and its annual Awards Day Luncheon in December, at which it specially recognized Lewis on December 10, 2019.


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