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Partner Eric Monzo Discusses First Delaware Bankruptcy Court Remote Hearing with the Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal

As the spread of COVID-19 continues to change business and law firm operations, Morris James LLP attorneys have found creative ways to adapt to their new office environments, including using Walkie Talkies to communicate with their children while they work from their home office.

Bankruptcy Partner Eric Monzo recently discussed with the Wall Street Journal how he manages work and family obligations during these unprecedented times.  

"I am trying to juggle life and work and save businesses and save my family's health, and we are finding a new way to communicate." 

Specifically, Eric was featured for a photo that he posted to LinkedIn following the conclusion of the Delaware Bankruptcy Court's first remote hearing.

Read more: “‘Ready for Lunch? Over.’ Walkie-Talkies Make Comeback With Folks Stuck at Home” (Subscription required)


firm news, media mention, bankruptcy and restructuring, litigation & liquidating trustees, bankruptcy committees practice