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John Newcomer Discusses the Impact of Coronavirus on the Real Estate Industry

John Newcomer will present at the Short Topics in Real Estate 2020 Webinar hosted by the Real and Personal Property Section of the Delaware State Bar Association on November 10th, 2020. He will discuss the impact of the Coronavirus on the Real Estate industry in Delaware. 

The Short Topics Webinar will also touch on recent Delaware case law, land use updates, reassessments in Delaware, recent amendments to the Delaware Limited Liability Company, title insurance, and mechanic’s liens.

The DSBA Real and Personal Property Section is composed of members interested in the fields of real estate law, personality matters and land use. The Section is dedicated to the promotion of the professional development of its members and the provision of quality services in these practice areas for the benefit of clients and the community. 

Click here for additional information, including registration.


firm news, media mention, land use, private clients, real estate & land use