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Wilson Gualpa Discusses Diversity and Inclusion in the Delaware Bar

Wilson Gualpa discusses the current landscape of diversity, equity and inclusion in Delaware at the Delaware State Bar Association's program entitled, “Diversity in the Bar and the Road to the Judiciary" on March 16, 2021. The program addresses DEI efforts made by the DSBA in the past and plans for the future, as well as best practices for lawyers on the pathway to the judiciary. The program is presented by the Multicultural Judges & Lawyers Section of the DSBA, of which Wilson chairs. 

The DSBA's Multicultural Judges & Lawyers section is dedicated to advancing the DEI objectives of the Delaware State Bar Association, its members, as well as members of the legal community with diverse backgrounds. The Section also works to foster communication and understanding among diverse groups within the legal and greater communities, and encourage the public service rendered by its members.


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