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Morris James Bankruptcy Team Earns 2021 TMA Turnaround/Transaction of the Year Award

Morris James will be honored for its work on the "Small Company Turnaround/Transaction of the Year" at the Turnaround Management Association (TMA) Annual Conference, October 26-29, 2021, in Nashville, Tennessee, and online.

Morris James earned this recognition for its representation of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors to the estate of Valeritas Holdings, Inc. and its affiliated debtors. Valeritas Holdings, Inc. (Bankr. D. Delaware) (2020) was one of the first cases to cite COVID - 19 as a cause of its Chapter 11 Case filing. Partner Eric Monzo and Counsel Brya Keilson aided in the negotiations of a strategic stalking horse asset sale.

The Turnaround/Transaction of the Year Awards are chosen based on a rigorous peer-review process by the volunteer TMA Awards Committee. This process includes extensive diligence of each nominated case. As the judges review all components of each entry, they look for well-defined, measurable outcomes. Since 1993, TMA has honored excellence through its annual awards program, which recognizes the most successful turnarounds and impactful transactions industry-wide. 


firm news, bankruptcy and restructuring, litigation & liquidating trustees, bankruptcy committees practice