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Morris James Celebrates 90 Year Anniversary with Gratitude

As we have reflected on the past 90 years, we have sought to identify 90 items for which we, as a firm, are grateful this holiday season. Join us as we celebrate and honor the rich Morris James legacy of service to our clients, the rule of law, and the broader Delaware community.


We are grateful for the foundation upon which our firm was built.

Since 1931, our history has been synonymous with that of the First State. Having lived and worked here, practiced law here, and helped to shape our state for 90 years, we can proudly affirm that, at Morris James, we are Delaware. Read more.

Client Service

We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our clients.

“We are dedicated to providing innovative and effective ways to serve the needs of our clients and community." Keith Donovan, Managing Partner. Read more.

Pro Bono

We are grateful for the opportunity to advocate for those in need.

Morris James is committed to providing pro bono legal counsel to indigent individuals and service to organizations seeking to increase resources to individuals who cannot afford legal representation. Read more


We are grateful for the people who have chosen our firm.

“Our employees have responded to the events of the previous year with tact, action, and desire to improve both our client service as well as the ways we support the Delaware community,” says Managing Partner Keith Donovan. "Our strict focus on teamwork and collaboration, paired with the continuous support from our clients and community, equip us to continue to deliver exceptional legal services." Read more

Notable Alumni

We are grateful for the judicial excellence of our former colleagues. 

Our lawyers have included Delaware Supreme Court Justices, three Delaware State Bar Presidents, a three-term Delaware Attorney General, public servants of every stripe, the first female Deputy Attorney General of Delaware, Congressmen, politicians and even a Major League baseball-player-turned-lawyer. We are proud of our lawyers' wide impact. Read more.


We are grateful to support the courts and the administration of justice.

Morris James is among the oldest and most respected of Delaware law firms. Our lawyers are actively involved in committees that annually review and propose amendments to Delaware statutes and court rules and procedures. Read more


We are grateful for the opportunity to serve our community.

Morris James encourages and supports the participation of our lawyers and staff in all manner of professional, charitable, and community activities that seek to improve lives and address the needs of the underserved. Read more.


We are grateful for the recognition from our clients and peers.

In addition to earning distinction for our legal work and knowledge, Morris James is often cited for honesty, integrity, and the high ethical standards that are the hallmarks of our firm. Read more.

Core Values

We are grateful for our strong values and vision for the future.

From the outset, we have been client-focused and team-oriented, seeking to serve our clients consistent with the highest standards of ethics and professionalism. Our future will be premised on the core cultural values that have brought us 90 years of success. Read more.

Additionally, our gratitude challenge was extended to our lawyers and professionals. We encouraged everyone to begin a practice of documenting the things for which they are grateful this year. Responses are showcased on the firm's social media and our holiday message.


firm news, pro bono & community engagement, camp lejeune