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Partner Mike Owen Presents at DSBA's Workers’ Compensation Seminar

Partner Mike Owen discussed the ongoing issues of Burden of Proof at the Delaware State Bar Association's Workers’ Compensation seminar on January 18, 2022. The panel offered an overview on the Burdens of Proof for Medical and Vocational Issues in the state of Delaware. 

Each year, the Delaware State Bar Association sponsors a continuing legal education seminar focusing on workers compensation law. This years topics included a keynote address by the Honorable Abigail M. LeGrow; case law update, legislative update, protocols post WebEx, and Burdens of Proof for medical & vocational issues.

Mike Owen is a civil litigation attorney whose practice focuses on personal injurymaritime and workers’ compensation matters. He is an aggressive litigator and has extensive experience handling complex matters through all stages of litigation, including trial before Delaware courts, New Jersey, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and hearings before the Industrial Accident Board. Delaware Today has recognized Mike as a Delaware Top Lawyer since 2018. 


firm news, catastrophic accidents & serious injuries, dog bites & attacks, personal injury & work injury, product liability, truck accidents, workers’ compensation, slip & fall