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Brya Keilson Speaks at ABI's Annual Spring Conference

Bankruptcy Partner Brya Keilson will participate in a panel discussion for the American Bankruptcy Institute's Spring Conference on Friday, April 29th. 

Within her practice, Brya counsels clients on commercial bankruptcy, restructuring, and insolvency matters. She will bring her experience to the panel discussion named "Texas Two-Step of Tort Liability." The panel will discuss the strategy of separating tort liabilities from core assets through a chapter 11 bankruptcy process. 

The panel will be only one of the several panel discussions that will take place at the ABI Spring Conference from April 28th - to April 30th. Click here to register and to view a full list of all the panels offered at this year's conference. 


firm news, bankruptcy and restructuring, distressed entity insolvency counseling, litigation & liquidating trustees, bankruptcy committees practice