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Lewis Lazarus and Tyler O'Connell Act as Book Reviewers for the 6th Edition of "Valuing a Business"

Partners Lewis Lazarus and Tyler O’Connell are credited contributors to the 6th Edition of “Valuing a Business: The Analysis and Appraisal of Closely Held Companies” by Shannon P. Pratt and the ASA Educational Foundation. Lewis and Tyler offered their experience and knowledgeable insights on corporate and commercial business matters for the book. As a resource, it presents detailed answers to virtually all valuation questions you can ask, from executive compensations and lost profits analysis to ESOP issues and valuation discounts.

At Morris James, Lewis Lazarus focuses his practice on corporate governance and commercial matters in the Delaware Court of Chancery. He has been lead counsel in trials arising out of mergers and acquisitions, including cases involving the entire fairness standard of review, appraisal, books and records actions, actions to compel annual meetings, and actions to determine who rightfully are the managers of a Delaware entity.

Tyler O’Connell represents companies, members of management and investors in business disputes before the Delaware courts. Tyler also counsels directors, officers and managers of Delaware business entities in connection with transactions that involve litigation risk.


firm news, business torts, corporate counseling & litigation, corporate governance, corporate trust & fiduciary services, distressed entity insolvency counseling