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UPDATE: Morris James LLP Offers Businesses Assistance with Recently Renewed Site Readiness Fund from Delaware Division of Small Business

The Delaware Division of Small Business has renewed the Site Readiness Fund and is currently accepting applications on a rolling basis until the entirety of the funding has been awarded. Similar to the previous iteration, businesses or local governments in Delaware that invest in constructing, renovating, or improving commercial and industrial sites may be eligible for economic assistance. The Fund, created by legislation and signed by Governor Carney in July 2021, seeks to sustain readily available commercial and industrial sites to attract new and established job-creating businesses into the State. Qualified applicants may be awarded grants, loans, or other economic assistance from the Fund.

In order to be eligible for funding, applicants must:

  • Be sponsored by at least 1 public entity (such as a county or municipality);
  • Establish that the proposed improvement will create a significant number of direct, quality, full-time jobs
  • Demonstrate financial stability; and
  • Serve a public purpose

The legislative team at Morris James is available to advise on the application process. Contact attorney Tyler Maron (; 302.888.6864) or Kim Hoffman (; 302.888.5209) for more information.


article, private clients, real estate & land use