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Brya Keilson Speaks at Beyond the Mission Statement CLE

Morris James Bankruptcy Partner and D&I Chair Brya Keilson is speaking Beyond the Mission Statement on February 28, 2023. This CLE is sponsored by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of the Delaware State Bar Association. 

The panel is a discussion between the DEI directors, coordinators, and committee chairs of some of the largest firms in Delaware. Speakers will discuss what diversity means to them and their firm, the role of a designated DEI coordinator in firms, and how to build an environment where all voices are heard. They will share firm procedures, responsibilities, and how employees communicate their thoughts and ideas.

Panel Moderator: Ian Connor Bifferato, Esquire - The Bifferato Firm, P.A.

Panel Speakers: 

  • William L. Chapman Jr., Esquire - Potter Anderson & Corroon LLP
  • Deborah R. Edwards, Esquire - Young Conaway Stargatt & Taylor, LLP
  • Tarik J. Haskins, Esquire - Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP
  • Brya Keilson, Esquire - Morris James LLP
  • Marcos A. Ramos, Esquire - Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A.

Morris James believes that promoting diversity and inclusion is critical to our quest for excellence and our ability to understand and meet our clients’ expectations. Click here to learn more about the firms Diversity and Inclusion efforts. 


firm news, diversity equity & inclusion