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Morris James Joins the Effort to Prioritize Well-Being Week in Law

Morris James is proud to announce our participation in the upcoming Well-Being Week in Law on May 1st - 5th. This initiative is organized by the Institute of Well-Being in Law and was created to encourage healthy and supportive work environments within the Legal profession. 

"The legal profession can be demanding and stressful, with long hours, high pressure, and often emotionally charged cases," says Sherry Leary, Chief Operating Officer. "In order to do our best work, it's crucial that we prioritize the mental, physical, and emotional health of our attorneys and staff." 

During the week, Morris James will provide attorneys and staff with opportunities to come together and resources to support and showcase best practices for healthy living in the workplace. Morris James encourages all legal organizations to set aside time this month to prioritize the well-being of legal professionals.

IWLBW Daily Themes:

Monday: Physical Well-Being
Tuesday: Spiritual Well-Being
Wednesday: Career & Intellectual Well-Being
Thursday: Social Well-Being
Friday: Emotional Well-Being

At Morris James, Team-Work, Work Ethic, and Mutual Respect are key components that make up the firm's Core Values. Click here to see the full list. 

More Resources: 


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