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Lewis Lazarus and Eric Hacker to Speak at Upcoming DSBA Seminar: Delaware Corporate Law Council 2023

Litigation Partners Lewis H. Lazarus and R. Eric Hacker will participate in the 2023 DSBA Corporation Law Council annual seminar on September 12, 2023. The program will consist of two separate panel sessions in which practitioners provide insight on recent developments in Delaware corporate law.

Lewis Lazarus will moderate a session entitled “Delaware Court of Chancery Process and Corporate Law Update: A Conversation with Practitioners and Vice Chancellor Sam Glasscock, III, and Magistrate in Chancery Bonnie W. David." The full list of panel members includes The Honorable Sam Glasscock III, The Honorable Bonnie W. David, Samuel L. Closic of Prickett Jones & Elliot, P.A, R. Eric Hacker, Esquire of Morris James LLP, and Lauren K. Neal of Morris, Nichols, Arsht & Tunnell LLP.

The Section of Corporation Law promotes the objectives of the Delaware State Bar Association concerning the law governing corporations and other forms of business organization. Responsibility for leading the Section rests with the Section’s Council and officers. The Council and the Section’s LLC and Partnership Committee are responsible for formulating and recommending to the Delaware General Assembly, after approval by the DSBA, amendments to the Delaware General Corporation Law, the Delaware Limited Liability Company Act, the Delaware Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act and the Delaware Revised Uniform Partnership Act.

This panel will be held in Wilmington at the DSBA Conference Center, as well as available online. CLE credits available.

Click here for more information on the seminar, including registration.


firm news, business torts, corporate governance, corporate trust & fiduciary services, distressed entity insolvency counseling, land use