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Morris James Sponsors the American Heart Association Heart Walk

Continuing a Heartfelt Partnership

Morris James sponsored the 2023 American Heart Association Heart Walk on Sunday, October 8, at Tubman Garrett Park on the Wilmington Riverfront. The funds raised through the Heart Walk support vital research, Hands-Only CPR training, medical breakthroughs, and more. AHA's educational programs and initiatives promote prevention, treatment, and patient care. Cardiovascular diseases are the No. 1 killer of Americans, and stroke is the third leading cause of death in Delaware. The Heart Walk is the American Heart Association's premier event for raising funds to save lives.

"This American Heart Association sponsorship reflects the firm's enduring commitment to heart health," says Kim Hoffman, Partner at Morris James. “As the current chair of the Delaware chapter, I take pride in standing with the AHA in its mission to help prevent and conquer cardiovascular diseases. Together, we're making strides toward a healthier and stronger community.”

This sponsorship is pivotal in our ongoing, multi-year collaboration with the American Heart Association. Morris James remains a dedicated supporter, aligning with the AHA's commitment to shaping a world of extended and healthier lives.


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