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Charting the Future of HR: Insights from the 23rd DE-SHRM Conference

The Delaware Society for Human Resource Management (DE-SHRM) Conference was held on November 14 -15 and provided a platform for HR professionals and industry leaders to discuss the latest workplace trends and challenges. The event, themed "Leading HR in a Boundaryless World," brought together over 300 attendees. 

Now in its 23rd year, the conference offered a dynamic environment for thought-provoking discussions, innovative learning opportunities, and networking. With tracks covering People and Talent Management, Benefits and Employee Well-Being, Workplace Culture, Diversity, Equity and inclusion, and Leadership and Personal Growth, attendees gained insights into diverse aspects of human resources.

Partner Jim McMackin, a panelist on the Legislative & Legal panel delved into the complex workforce management issues arising from the decriminalization of marijuana. Jim addressed the challenges faced by private, public, and unionized employers in navigating the blurred lines between state and federal regulations on marijuana use.


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