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11 Morris James Attorneys Earn Recognition on the 2023 Office of the Child Advocate Honor Roll

Championing the Rights of Delaware's Youth

December 18, 2023

As part of our ongoing pro bono initiatives, Morris James attorneys actively collaborate with the Office of the Child Advocate, contributing legal expertise to represent dependent, neglected, and abused children in civil family court proceedings. 

We are delighted to announce that the following Morris James attorneys have received well-deserved recognition from the Office of the Child Advocate for their outstanding pro bono service:

20+ Years

David Hutt
Gretchen Knight
Jill Spevack Di Sciullo 

10-20 Years

Allyson Britton
Nicholas Caggiano
Chuck Kunz III
Lewis Lazarus
Bryan Townsend 

Less Than 5 Years

Samuel Bashman 
Alyssa Meldrum (Kelly)
Alena Smith 

Their dedication exemplifies our commitment to positively impacting the lives of those who need it most. Morris James remains steadfast in its support for pro bono work, fostering a culture where our lawyers are inspired to give back to the community and advocate for the rights and well-being of Delaware's youth. We encourage and champion pro bono service as an integral part of our legal practice. Click here to learn more about OCA and how to support its ongoing mission. 


firm news, pro bono & community engagement, construction accidents