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Brya Keilson Chairs the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Conference

Partner Brya Keilson has been appointed Chair of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Conference. At the conference, she shared her industry knowledge and expertise on the panel "Bad Romance: At the Intersection of Bankruptcy Disclosures and Privacy." The discussion covered disclosure and privacy requirements in bankruptcy cases. 

The Eastern District Of Pennsylvania Bankruptcy Conference ("EDPABC") is a non-profit organization that was formed to promote the education and interests of its members and the citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania residing in the ten counties within the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Members include lawyers, other professionals and paraprofessionals who specialize in the practice of Bankruptcy and Creditors' Rights law in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Formed in 1988, its initial Steering Committee was comprised of Michael A. Bloom, Richard E. Fehling, Henry J. Sommer, David T. Sykes, Michael L. Temin, and Elizabeth Warren.

At Morris James, Brya vice chairs the bankruptcy and restructuring practice group. She counsels clients on commercial bankruptcy, restructuring, and insolvency matters. She represents Chapter 11 debtors, insurers in all facets of bankruptcy-related issues, creditors' committees, liquidating trustees, trade creditors, financial institutions, purchasers of assets, and both plaintiffs and defendants in numerous avoidance actions, including preference and fraudulent transfer actions.


firm news, bankruptcy and restructuring, bankruptcy in mass torts, blockchain cryptocurrency bankruptcies claw back litigation, distressed entity insolvency counseling, litigation & liquidating trustees, bankruptcy committees practice