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Morris James Proven as a Leader in Bankruptcy Services by BankruptcyData Research


The bankruptcy and restructuring group has been recognized as one of the most active in Delaware according to the latest in the FY 2023 Advisory Group Member Activity Report by BankruptcyData. This acknowledgment affirms our position as a national leader in bankruptcy legal services, highlighting our significant involvement and influence in this field.

Our Rankings in Delaware
Our team's dedication and expertise have earned us top rankings in several key categories, underscoring our deep commitment to providing exceptional legal guidance.

These rankings demonstrate our firm’s comprehensive capabilities and strategic positioning as a pivotal player in Delaware's bankruptcy sector.

Individual Accolades
Further testament to our group's strength are the individual accolades awarded to our lawyers. Eric Monzo has been particularly notable, having been involved in 17 cases. Brya Keilson has also made significant contributions, being acknowledged for her role in 11 cases. Their outstanding dedication and professionalism exemplify Morris James' commitment to client success.

About BankruptcyData

BankruptcyData has revolutionized the way in which professionals interested in the bankruptcy sector consume, share, manage, and leverage vital data, research, and analysis. We provide a competitive advantage to those interested in making more informed decisions regarding the bankruptcy and distressed sectors.


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