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What to Do If You Are Injured as a Passenger in a Car

In the United States, more than 3 million people are injured in car accidents every year. Delaware has a share of these accidents, with more than 28,000 crashes and 8,161 people injured in 2018.

Any accident can be jarring for everyone involved, but it can be especially confusing for passengers.

In the United States, more than 3 million people are injured in car accidents every year. Delaware has a share of these accidents, with more than 28,000 crashes and 8,161 people injured in 2018.

Any accident can be jarring for everyone involved, but it can be especially confusing for passengers. Often, passengers don't know their legal rights and are unsure about their insurance. After a crash, it can be difficult to know who pays for injuries as a passenger in a car accident. Passengers often wonder whose insurance should cover their injuries. Is it the insurance covering the driver of the car they were in, or the insurance of the driver of the other car? Maybe it's the passenger's insurance.

If you're a passenger in a car accident in Delaware, you will probably have more questions. But, how do you gather the information needed? What are your rights? What should you do if you're injured in a car accident as a passenger? Who pays a passenger's medical bills? This article will help you answer these questions.


blog, personal injury & work injury