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Superior Court Dismisses Suit by Corporation Representing Former Shareholder for Lack of Standing

Appriva Shareholder Litigation Co. v. ev3, Inc., C.A. No. 05C-11-208 JOH, 2006 WL 2555348 (Del. Super. Ct. Aug. 24, 2006).

Plaintiff entity controlled by certain former stockholders of acquired corporation sued acquirer alleging breach of merger agreement and fraud. Upon motion by defendant acquirer, the court dismissed the action on ground that plaintiff lacked standing. The court noted that the merger agreement appointed two individuals as shareholder representatives who were required to act in concert, one of whom the complaint reflected was not affiliated with plaintiff in any way. The court also noted that the merger agreement did not permit assignment of the shareholder representatives' rights without defendants' consent, which was never given. Finally, the court rejected plaintiff's argument that it be permitted to bring the action as a third-party beneficiary as inconsistent with the merger agreement's express terms.


blog, complex commercial litigation, corporate counseling & litigation