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Superior Court Dismisses Claim for Tortious Interference With Contract Because Complaint Failed to Allege a Breach of Contract

Luscavage v. Dominion Dental USA, Inc., No. 06C-07-219 RRC, 2007 WL 901641 (Del. Super. Ct. Mar. 20, 2007). 

Two dentists brought a claim for tortious interference with contract against their former employer after they each lost their new consulting contracts with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Delaware. Both plaintiffs had worked for defendant Dominion Dental USA for several years, and both were subject to agreements with the company: (1) one plaintiff had signed a one-year employment agreement several years before, which contained a six-month non-compete; (2) the other had signed an independent contractor agreement, which also prohibited soliciting or otherwise interfering with defendant’s employees. Both plaintiffs terminated these agreements when they resigned.

Upon leaving, the two dentists obtained consulting contracts with Blue Cross in Delaware, but the agreements were quickly and unexpectedly terminated. The plaintiffs allege that Dominion Dental USA caused Blue Cross to terminate their agreements and consequently tortiously interfered with their contracts.

The former employer moved to dismiss the claim because the plaintiffs failed to lay the requisite predicate—to allege a breach of contract. The court agreed and granted the motion to dismiss and opined that causing termination of a contract is not the same as causing a breach.


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