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Court O=of Chancery Applies Business Judgment Rule After Majority Tender Shares

In Re Volcano Corp. Stockholder Litigation, C.A. 10485-VCMR (June 30, 2016)

In what might be one of the most important decisions this year, the Court held that the tender of their shares by a majority of the stockholders invokes an “irrebuttable” presumption that the business judgment rule applies and, as a result, the complaint generally must be dismissed.  This extends the Delaware Supreme Court’s Corwin decision to the tender offer context.  While the tender offer aspect of this case will get the most notice, the concept of an “irrebuttable” business judgment rule may prove to be more important.  For when that form of the business judgment rule applies, only facts demonstrating waste will let a complaint survive a motion to dismiss.  Of course, waste is almost impossible to successfully allege under Delaware law.


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