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Delaware Courts Continue to Excel in Business Litigation with the Success of the Complex Commercial Litigation Division of the Superior Court

American Bar Association, Section of Business Law, The Business Lawyer 

70 The Business Lawyer 1059 (Fall 2015)

Joseph R. Slights, III and Elizabeth A. Powers wrote an article published in the Volume 70, Number 4, Fall 2015 edition of the ABA Business Law Section's The Business Lawyer. Their article was titled "Delaware Courts Continue to Excel in Business Litigation with the Success of the Complex Commercial Litigation Division of the Superior Court." This article discusses the relatively new Delaware Superior Court's Complex Commercial Litigation Division ("CCLD") and its reputation as a premier business court in keeping with the Delaware judiciary’s tradition of excellence in the resolution of corporate and business controversies. The article further analyzes the benefits and advantages of the CCLD, as it offers litigants an alternative venue for complex commercial litigation where equitable jurisdiction is lacking. The authors conclude that thus far business litigants have embraced the CCLD due to its flexibility and responsiveness to the needs of the particular case.

Read the article here


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