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Court of Chancery Stays Control Dispute Involving Kentucky Retirement Systems in Favor of Kentucky Plenary Action

In Re Bay Hills Emerging Partners I L.P., C.A. No. 2018-0234-JRS (Del. Ch. July 2, 2018) 

This decision deals with the oft encountered problem of a race to different courthouses by counterparties. What makes this decision readworthy is the context: a summary control dispute involving a Delaware alternative entity, one invested in by a Kentucky state agency (Kentucky Retirement Systems). While the Court of Chancery may choose to not stay its hand in favor of even an earlier-filed plenary action in the control dispute context, that is by no means a blanket rule. This is an instance where the Court of Chancery cited its inherent discretionary authority to issue a stay sua sponte in the interests of comity and the orderly and efficient administration of justice. Among the factors supporting the Court’s decision to stay its hand in favor of a contemporaneously-filed plenary action involving the same parties and issues in Kentucky state court were Kentucky consent-to-forum and choice of law clauses in the parties’ contract.


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