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Court Of Chancery Crafts Settlement Options

Forsythe v. ESC Fund Management Co. (U.S.) Inc., C.A. 1091-VCL (May 9, 2012)

When the Court tasked with reviewing a settlement proposal in a derivative action is faced with apparently well-intentioned objectors who want to go to trial and not settle, deciding what to do is not easy.  This decision comes up with an ingenious solution - let the objectors "buy the settlement."   This is accomplished by giving the objectors time to put up a bond to effectively guarantee the recovery of the settlement amount and then permit the objectors to take over the litigation and go to trial.

It will be interesting to see if the objectors take the Court up on its proposal.  After all, the recovery in any derivative suit goes first to the entity involved.  Any one who funds such litigation needs to be aware of the risk that sharing in the recovery is its only reward.


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