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Court of Chancery Discusses The Role of a Stockholder Representative In Arbitration Proceedings

Pryor v. IAC/Interactivecorp, C.A. 6884-CS (June 7, 2012)

What is the role of a "stockholder representative" in an arbitration proceeding?  When there are many parties to an agreement, it is common for the parties on one side (such as the selling stockholders entitled to an earn out payment) to chose one of their bretheren to act for them all.  While most assume that the representative chosen has the right to call the shots in the arbitration, her role may be much more.  This decision explains why that may be important.  It holds that notice to the representative that begins the period in which an appeal may be filed also counts as notice to all the parties the chosen one represented.  Hence, if she does not file a timely appeal,  the others may not do so later.  Moreover, the decision suggests that only the representative may argue the merits of an appeal.


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