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Court of Chancery Explains the Gentile Case

Carsanaro v. Bloodhound Technologies, Inc., C.A. 7301-VCL (March 15, 2013)

This is a major decision.  For some time lawyers have struggled to understand when a claim is derivative or direct. The distinction is important if for no other reason than derivative claims may be mooted by a merger that eliminates the plaintiff as a stockholder with standing to sue.  Under the Delaware Supreme Court's Gentile decision, some claims alleging a wrongful stockholder dilution may be direct, derivative or both.  Which ones qualify?  This decision answers that question with a thoughtful analysis that is useful in dealing with other factual patterns besides the controlling stockholder that was involved in Gentile.

This decision is also important for its holding that when a stockholder consents to any corporate action by a written consent form that refers to other documents that define the transaction consented to, the other documents must be given to the consenting stockholder for her consent to be effective.


blog, complex commercial litigation, corporate counseling & litigation