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Court Of Chancery Enforces Forum Selection Agreement

BE&K Engineering Company LLC v. Rocktenn CP LLC, C.A. 8837-VCL (January 15, 2014)

Anti-suit injunctions to enforce a choice of forum clause are not always easy to get.  Delaware courts do not like to interfere with other courts jurisdiction.  Instead, they prefer that a party aggrieved by the violation of a contract that selects Delaware as the forum to resolve disputes ask the non-Delaware court to stay its hand. However, as this decision illustrates, when pressed, a Delaware court will enjoin litigation elsewhere in the right circumstances. One such circumstance is when the party to be enjoined has tried to manipulate the system by taking inconsistent positions on what forum the contract requires. Trickery with the Courts is never a good idea.


blog, complex commercial litigation, corporate counseling & litigation