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Federal Court Grants Renewal of Motion To Demonstrate Jurisdiction

Remote Solutions Co., Ltd. v. FGH Liquidating Corp., Civil Action No. 06-004-KAJ, 2006 WL 3498657 (D. Del. Dec. 5, 2006).

Plaintiff filed a Motion for Reconsideration and to Amend the Court’s earlier Memorandum Order in which it denied the plaintiff’s motion to vacate or modify an arbitration award for failing to demonstrate a proper basis for subject matter jurisdiction. The plaintiff now sought to have the Court amend its order so it could cure the jurisdictional defect. The Court granted the motion to the extent that the plaintiff could renew its prior motion to vacate or modify the arbitration award by demonstrating proper subject matter jurisdiction.

The Court also permitted the motion to relate back to the date of the original filing. It further permitted the defendant to move independently for confirmation of the arbitration award regardless of the course of action chosen by plaintiff.


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