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First Annual Mid-Atlantic Super eLaw Technology Conference

The Corporate Counsel Technology Institute (CCTI) at the Widener University School of Law along with the Delaware State Bar Association and other organizations will be sponsoring the First Annual Mid-Atlantic Super eLaw Technology Conference at Widener University School of Law in Wilmington, DE. The Chair of the conference and one of the featured speakers will be Richard K. Herrmann, a partner in Morris James' IP Practice Group. When he is not in the courtroom, Mr. Herrmann teaches Electronic Discovery and technology related courses at William & Mary Law School, Widener University School of Law, and the National Judicial College. He is also the Director of Widener's Technology and Law Center. The conference will take place from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, on Friday, April 21, 2006. 


blog, complex commercial litigation, corporate counseling & litigation