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Court of Chancery Rejects Attack on Board Discretion to Retain Directors

City of Westland Police & Fire Retirement System v. Axcelis Technologies, Inc., C.A. 4473-VCN (September 28, 2009).

This is the first Delaware decision to deal with the so-called Pfizer policy on when directors may be retained despite a shareholder vote on dissatisfaction. Axcelis had a bylaw that any director up for re-election who did not get a majority of the votes cast must tender her resignation to a committee of the whole Board, and that committee had the discretion to accept or reject the resignation. When three directors did not get the majority vote and tendered their resignations, the committee rejected the resignations and the directors stayed on the Board. The plaintiff then filed a books and records case to discover why.

The Court held that under the company policy the committee had the discretion to reject the resignations. In the absence of even a minimal showing that the exercise of discretion was wrongful, the Court denied inspection into the committee's reasoning. That seems consistent with existing Delaware law. Otherwise, any stockholder who disliked a board decision might demand inspection of corporate records to fish for a basis to sue.

The implications of this opinion are that any committee who rejects a director resignation under a policy giving it broad discretion will have its decision upheld. Indeed, the decision is virtually unreviewable.


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