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Court of Chancery Stays Delaware Action In Favor of Canadian Litigation

Xpress Management Inc. v. Hot Wings International Inc., C.A. No. 2856-VCL (May 30, 2007).

Under very unusual circumstances, this decision entered a stay of a Delaware proceeding to dissolve a Delaware corporation because of prior filed litigation in Canada. While the law governing stays of Delaware litigation is very well developed, it is unusual to stay a proceeding for dissolution of a Delaware corporation. That is a particularly Delaware-based remedy that its courts are reluctant to forgo when the statutory prerequisites are met.

Here, however, the facts supporting the issuance of a stay were particularly strong. These included extensive and abusive litigation between the parties in Canada, the jurisdiction of the Canadian courts over the key assets in dispute and the existence of orders by the Canadian courts that dealt with the merits of the underlying dispute between the parties that had little to do with Delaware law.


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