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eBay Brings Stockholder Action In Court of Chancery Against Craigslist and Its Directors for Diluting Its Minority Stake

Yesterday, eBay Domestic Holdings Inc. brought an action in the Court of Chancery, C.A. 3705-CC, against Craigslist and certain of its directors, challenging recent transactions implemented by the Craigslist board. eBay acquired a minority ownership interest in Craigslist (28.4%) back in 2004.  It now alleges that Craigslist's directors have taken unilateral action in violation of their fiduciary duties and have disadvantaged eBay and its investment. 

The complaint was filed under seal. The matter has been retained by Chancellor Chandler.   

The WSJ Law Blog has coverage here, and, The NY Times reports here.   


blog, complex commercial litigation, corporate counseling & litigation