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P. Clarkson Collins, Jr. and Lewis H. Lazarus Participate in DSBA Seminar on Appraisal in Delaware

P. Clarkson Collins, Jr. and Lewis H. Lazarus participated on May 17, 2017 in the annual Continuing Legal Education Seminar sponsored by the Corporation Law Council of the Delaware State Bar Association.

A distinguished panel of two litigation and two transactional attorneys joined two valuation professionals in a robust exchange of ideas over the appraisal statute and how recent Delaware decisions in the Court of Chancery have affected transaction planning and appraisal litigation in merger transactions where appraisal rights are available to dissenting stockholders. Mr. Collins participated as a litigation attorney and Mr. Lazarus moderated sessions addressing litigation and valuation issues.

Mr. Collins is incoming chair of the Corporation Law Council and chairs the firm's Litigation Group. Mr. Lazarus, also a member of the Corporation Law Council, chairs the firm's corporate and commercial litigation group. 


firm news, appraisal litigation