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Partner Charles H. Toliver, IV Receives the Delaware State Bar Association Outstanding Service to the Courts Award

The Delaware State Bar Association has selected Morris James LLP partner Charles H. Toliver, IV as the 2016 recipient of the Award for Outstanding Service to the Courts and the Bar.  Established in 1999, the award is presented to a Delaware attorney or judge who has substantially assisted the Courts and the Bar and has strengthened public trust and confidence in the courts in the state of Delaware and the administration of justice. 

Mr. Toliver is a former two-term Judge of the Delaware Superior Court, having been appointed in 1990 as an Associate Judge by Governor Michael N. Castle, and reappointed in 2002 in that capacity by Governor Thomas R. Carper. During his 24 years on the bench, he presided over numerous significant civil and criminal cases. Mr. Toliver now focuses his law practice on civil, corporate and domestic relations mediation, arbitration and case analysis.

Mr. Toliver is a member of the Board of Directors of the Lincoln Club of Delaware and the Greater Wilmington Convention and Visitors Bureau. He is also a former Chairman of the Wilmington Housing Authority and has served as a member of the Delaware Public Employment Relations Board, the Delaware Violent Crimes Compensation Board, the Wilmington Pension Arbitration Board, and St. Anthony's Community Center. In 2003, Judge Toliver was appointed as one of the two representatives from the State of Delaware on the Brown v. Board of Education 50th Anniversary National Commission by President Bush. Before being appointed to the Superior Court, he served as Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer of the Delaware State Bar Association and as an associate member of the Board on Professional Responsibility of the Delaware Supreme Court. 


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